Bold and Beautiful Floral Wedding Invitation to Create a Modern Wedding Touch!

An invitation card captures the actual essence of a wedding. It provides your guests and friends an idea of the theme of your wedding. Indian weddings are embracing a modern touch to achieve a classy yet bold wedding style. Choosing a unique and elegant wedding invitation is the first step to add an unforgettable appeal to your wedding ceremony. A range of wedding invitations is available in the market ranging from traditional to modern that match your wedding theme and style.
If you are planning a contemporary wedding ceremony then make your first move with these out of the box floral wedding invitations designs:

floral wedding cards
  • Acrylic stationery

Acrylic gives your wedding invitation a great look. It gives a clear texture and sophisticated feel to your invitation card. Printed flowers in gorgeous colours on the edges or around the text exude immense aesthetics. These are available in transparent acrylic cover page and dark shaded base paper.

  • Laser-cut design
laser cut floral wedding cards

Laser-cut design gives an invitation card a creatively artistic look. Floral laser-cut envelop form a beautiful showcase for your wedding details. Intricate laser-cut designs on the inner side of the card to form a pocket for carrying different inserts. This design looks fabulous in golden, brown and maroon shades.

  • Floral design in different geometric shapes

In this floral wedding card, inserts have different geometric shapes. This wedding invitation design looks so classy with a fancy touch in contemporary style. Various geometrical shapes bear designs of beautiful flowers in light shades and highlighted text in dark shades. Floral design in different geometrical shapes is a beautiful and unique idea that matches a contemporary wedding style.

  • Minimalist and elegant

Wedding invites with a simple design and soothing shades are more impressive and elegant. Excellent paper texture with a linear design and symmetrical text is an easy way to make your wedding invites unique and vibrant. This minimalist floral wedding invite is available in the combination of peach-white, pinkish-white, grey-pink, yellow-orange, sky-blue and in sea green combinations.

  • Uniform coloration

This wedding card style is also minimalist but it has deep and dark hues. Dark orange, maroon, black, dark brown, chocolate, deep green and dark blue shades have a unique appeal in these wedding invites. A tiny flower, a vine or a leaf design and text in contrasting shade complete the look of these cards.

  • Glittery invites
glittery floral wedding cards

This luxury wedding invitation includes a floral design with a sprinkle of glitters. A shimmery look gives another level of aesthetic to this beautiful card. Glittery invites in black, green, red, white, grey, burgundy, beige and pinkish shades are available with golden, silver, copper and red glitters.

Wedding invitation cards allow your guests to have a first peek into your wedding ceremony. Make a classy choice while selecting invitation cards. Brighten up your wedding preparation with the above colourful and elegant floral wedding cards.

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